Potty Training in Daycare

A Complete Guide to Potty Training in Daycare

Potty training can be a tricky endeavor for any parent or caregiver. When your child goes to daycare, it adds an extra layer of complexity to the situation. From pull-ups to accidents, daycare staff faces unique challenges when it comes to toilet training. 

Thankfully, with proper communication and understanding, you can successfully potty train your child while they’re in daycare. 

This article discusses why potty training can be harder in daycare and what daycares can do to help achieve success. We’ve also included tips for parents on how to involve daycare staff in the potty training process.

Reasons Why Potty Training Is Harder at Daycare

Toilet training and daycare can be a daunting combination. 

It can be difficult to know when to involve daycare in potty training. With so many children, ensuring that each child gets the same potty training experience is hard. Therefore, you should talk with your daycare provider about what they can do to help you to have a successful experience with your child.

Here are some of the reasons why choosing to begin potty training at daycare is particularly challenging:

Toddler playing with toys on the ground in a daycare centre

Changes in Routine

Daycare centers often have different routines than at home – mealtimes, nap times, and play times all vary. This can confuse children and make them forget to use the potty.


These centers can be distracting environments, and it’s tough for children to stay focused on toilet training.

Too Many Kids

With so many kids in one space, it can be difficult for daycare staff to take the time to sit and help each child with potty training. There may be insufficient staff or resources to focus on every child individually.


Children in daycare are more likely to have accidents, as staff may not be able to keep an eye on them all the time. Additionally, some centers may have potty training child policies that discourage toilet training during the day. 

As a result, caregivers at daycare keep putting pull-ups on when potty training instead of encouraging them to use the restroom.

Tips for Potty Training in Daycare

Communication is key to healthy collaboration between parents and daycare providers regarding potty training. Talk to your daycare about your goals and expectations. Make sure they understand the importance of potty training children and what to do when it is time for your child to use the restroom and start their training.

It is also essential to be consistent. You should have the exact expectations for your child at home and in daycare. Talk to your daycare provider about using the same potty training methods you use at home, such as rewards and verbal encouragement.

Finally, be flexible. It may take longer for your child to potty train at daycare because of the distractions and the number of other children in the room. Give them extra time and patience, and don’t be too hard on them if they have an accident.

How Should Daycare Help?

Daycare centers should provide a safe and comfortable environment for potty training. This means they should have plenty of restrooms and proper supplies, such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer. They should also ensure that the restroom is clean and inviting to encourage children to use it.

The staff should also be prepared to help your child. This includes teaching them how to use the restroom and encouraging them when they need to go. They should also provide verbal and physical praise when a child goes to the restroom successfully.

What Should You Do If Daycare Is Not Helping?

If your daycare is not helping with potty training your child, there are steps you can take to make sure your little one is getting the proper potty training support needed. 

Here are some tips to help you navigate potty training when your child goes to daycare.

1. Communicate Your Expectations to the Daycare

Before enrolling your child in daycare, ensure that you have expressed your expectations for potty training to the staff, so you’re on the same page. 

Set clear boundaries about what type of support you expect the daycare to provide. Ask questions like, what their potty training policy is, what methods they use to get children potty trained, and how often their staff is available to help with the training.

Toddler sitting on a pink potty in a bathroom smiling

2. Provide the Daycare With Potty Training Resources

Provide the child’s daycare with potty training resources to give your child the best chance of success. This could include books, videos, and other materials to help them become familiar with potty training. 

If your child is resistant to potty training, the daycare should have materials to help them understand and become comfortable with the process.

3. Establish a Routine

Establish a regular potty training routine with your daycare. This should include scheduled bathroom times throughout the day and a consistent approach to encouraging your toddler to use the toilet. 

The daycare should also be aware of changes in your child’s pooping habits, like if they start having accidents or become more resistant to potty training.

4. Keep a Log

To keep the daycare up to date on your child’s potty training progress, create a log. 

Include details about when your child goes to the bathroom, how long it takes them to complete the task and any issues they have. This will help the staff keep track of your child’s progress and adjust their potty training plan if needed.

5. Provide Positive Reinforcement

Give your child positive reinforcement when they are successful with potty training. This can be done by providing rewards, like stickers and treats, for going to the bathroom on their own. 

The daycare should also be aware of your method and reward your child when they deserve it.

These tips ensure that your daycare provides the best potty training support possible. With the right resources, communication, and routine, your child will have the best chance of success in their potty training journey.

Final Thoughts

Potty training in daycare can take some time to master. But, with the right resources and support from the staff, it doesn’t have to be challenging. Establish realistic expectations, provide the daycare with potty training materials and resources, create a routine for your child, and provide positive reinforcement when they are successful. 

With the right combination of these strategies, your child will get the hang of it!

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