When To Start Potty Training for a Boy

What Age Should You Begin Potty Training for Boys?

After a couple of years of changing diapers, parents are more than willing to potty train their toddlers — though your little boy might also be as eager as you are. 

But how soon can you start potty training a boy? The honest answer is that there is no definitive age at which you should/can start. Some boys start much sooner than others. 

Generally, after the age of 2 is a good time to get started, but it can take a while for your toddler to master toilet training. 

Here are some potty training tips to help you make sure your boy is potty trained correctly. 

What Is the Right Age?

When it comes to potty training boys, it’s recommended that you begin once your boy reaches 2 years of age. However, some toddlers might not be ready until they are 2.5 or 3 years old

Rather than wondering when to train a little boy for potty training, you should be looking for signs that tell you that your boy is ready for this next evolution. For potty training success, you are looking for indicators of mental and physical development. 

Boy sitting on a potty looking up

Some of these signs include:

Staying dry – If your toddler can stay dry for 2 hours or more at a time, it is a sign that they have developed some control over their bowel movements and bladder. This is necessary to potty train boys. You need the child to be able to hold it in till they reach the bathroom. 

Independent – Toddlers want to ‘do things themselves.’ For potty training, this is an excellent indicator. It means the child will be motivated to learn this process and will be willing to do something on his own accord. 

Awareness – Many children soon develop an acute awareness of their bodies. They know when their hands are dirty or their diapers are full, and it can make them very uncomfortable. This is very helpful for potty training if your child shows signs of being aware of his own body. 

Dressing Himself – If your child can pull up/ down his pants, he is ready for the potty training process. 

Communication – If your child can follow basic instructions and communicate their needs, such as telling you they need to go to the restroom, it’s a good time to start. If your son can inform you of when he needs to go and is showing signs that he understands what you want him to do, start taking him to the potty frequently throughout the day.

Tips for Potty Training

To know when and how to start potty training a boy,  consider these tips: 

Get Supplies – Involve your child in the process of getting a potty chair and buying toiletries and underwear to conjure up some interest. This will keep him motivated throughout the journey. 

Experiment – Try placing the potty in different places in the bathroom (or different bathrooms if you have multiple) to see what your toddler prefers. The more comfortable they are when you have them sit, the more likely they are to pursue potty training. Get the toddler comfortable with the process before actually trying potty training. 

Teach – Teach your toddler about the process, read them stories and show them cartoons about it so they know what to do. 

Easy Clothes – Wearing quick and easy-to-remove clothes will make it much easier for you and your child. Things like belts, clips, and buttons that are hard to undo are not preferred. 

Signs – Get familiar with the signs that your boy needs to go. This can include fidgeting, being moody, retreating to a corner, etc. 

Rules – Teach your toddler the basic rules of the toilet, such as washing their hands with soap when they are done or flushing after using the toilet. These are all part of good potty training. 

Be gentle – Accidents are bound to happen during potty training. Sometimes it can be very stressful for the parents. However, your negative attitude during this period will only make learning more challenging for your child. 

You need to be patient and reward your child with a lot of positive reinforcement to help them learn this process as quickly as possible. Be prepared for the occasional accidents, especially when they pee standing, and make arrangements in advance so you aren’t stuck in a major problem. Disposable training pants are also a great option if there’s a delay in potty training.

When Should They Learn To Use the Potty Standing Up?

Parents should consider the right age to teach their sons to stand up to use the toilet — you may need to add a toilet step if he cannot reach the bowl. 

The first step is perfecting using the potty sitting down. Once that is dialed in, you can teach him to go while standing up. Before this step, make sure your child has good control over his bladder.

How Long Does Potty Training Take for Boys?

When it comes to most children, girls tend to master potty training a little faster than boys. However, there are some boys that get the hang of it just as fast, or even faster, than girls. Your training plays a big role in how easy or difficult it is for your toddler to learn. 

Boy flushing toilet

On average, it takes at least 4-6 months for a child to learn potty training. It can take a few more months for the child to really master this skill and have no accidents at all. 

Training a boy to use the bathroom standing up can also take a few weeks. However, if you do this after the initial training, it will be much easier to do. In the meantime, you can use training pants to be on the safe side until they are ready to potty train.


So, at what age do you start potty training a boy? It depends on the toddler. Some kids will be ready for it at 18 months; others will be ready for it up to 3 years old. When the time comes, you need to remember that it takes a while and can be stressful when accidents happen. 

You should certainly follow up and consult your child’s doctor about what you need to do to potty train a boy. Refer to this guide to help you educate your child to make it easy and enjoyable for everyone involved. 

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